8 Tips for Traveling With a Toddler

Traveling with a toddler

Regardless of whether you are traveling with your toddler or a child, there will always be something that gives you anxiety when you travel with children. There are many things to consider when preparing for a trip, from what to pack to how to get to your vacation.

Traveling with a toddler

We get it! That’s why we came up with these eight tips to help you with this — prevent you from going insane. This list is super helpful not only for toddlers but also for younger children, older children, and even for you.

Timing Is Important

This is very important for babies and younger children who like to nap. Here’s a bonus tip: book the night flight. It is the best thing you can do. By maintaining a regular sleep schedule for your children will mean more hours of peace on the air. Try booking flights when the departure is approximately 30 minutes to an hour before nap time. This means that you can make a quick bottle or snack after takeoff, and then, hopefully, your little one will drift away during the flight session. Except, of course, if you’re flying for a six-hour, long-distance journey, then you need to come up with a better game plan.

Plenty of Tasks for Them

This next tip is for toddlers, preschoolers, and kids in elementary school. Why is that? Because little toddlers love being helpful. Even if they do exactly the contrary of really helping, give them something to do. Let your child pack their favorite little toys, clothes, etc. Once you’re at the airport, allow them to wheel their own luggage. It may seem funny at first, but hey, it keeps them occupied.

You can also ask them to help you around, such as find the flight number on the screen or the boarding entrance number. Little things like this keep them occupied and keep you sane.

Be Aware of the Rules

There are so many things you should be aware of before traveling. From carrying your stroller on the plane to wearing a mask on the flight, all of these things, you should find out first. You will save yourself a lot of anxiety while waiting to depart the airport. It’s good to check the rules out first before arriving at the airport.

Every airport is different, so it’s going to find out about carry-on liquids.  Although adults are allowed to carry a limited amount of fluids, security allows reasonable formula, juice, and breast milk for toddlers.

In-flight Entertainment

Now, traveling with a toddler on a plane may get handy, but there are so many different things to do with them when traveling. You can bring some coloring and activity books. Pack some of their favorite books to read to them. Magnetic playsets are a great idea as well. You can also let them watch cartoons or kid-friendly movies on their tablets. If they get bored, you can walk the aisle with your toddler. Make sure to be in front of them and hold both of their hands.

Be Prepared for Anything

A toddler looking out of the window

Let us tell you a little secret: every parent knows preparation is key because there’s always something bound to happen. Still, there are steps you can take to prepare for a few different scenarios.

When packing for your toddler, always include a few extra outfits and more diapers than you expect to need. Wipes are effective for wiping faces, hands, tray tables, and any other hard-to-reach surfaces. When departing and landing, make sure your toddler has a bottle to drink. This allows the toddler to naturally swallow, which will help alleviate any uncomfortable pressure in the ears.

Keep Them Cozy

No matter what you’re doing — whether it is flying, driving, or taking the train —  comfortable travel is important when traveling with a child. Make sure to pack extra blankets in order to keep your toddler warm during the flight. Some toddlers’ tolerance for headphones is higher than others. A pair of headphones with soft pads can help block out the noise of the plane, vehicle, or other passengers.

Tag and Track ’em!

Let’s face it; toddlers can walk. If you’re worried about your toddler walking away, all you have to do is tag and track them with a tracking device. It is easy to follow along through the app because it is attached to your child’s wrist or bag.

Pack Wisely

Last but not least, pack your carry-on luggage wisely. Create a checking list the night before you pack.

As your carry-on luggage, your diaper bag counts, so pack it with spare pacifiers, baby wipes, diapers, change of clothes, toys, baby pillows, extra batteries, and a small snack. Also, remember to bring some sugary sweets to help with the pressure change during takeoff and landing.

Enjoy Your Vacation

Now that you know all the tips and tricks when it comes to traveling with a toddler, you’re ready to take a family vacation. Just make sure to pack well and not at the last minute. Remember you’re going to be fine and enjoy yourself!

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