10 Ways to Lower Your Cell Phone Bill

Use free Wi-Fi to lower your cell phone bill

Whether you’re at work, home, or on the move, cell phones are important daily life tools. It keeps people connected with the world. Let’s face it; you rely on your smartphone for almost everything you do day to day. You use it to stay in contact with your family and friends. You use your phone to check out the latest TikTok videos, scroll on Instagram, and browse Facebook.

You use it for information, entertainment, and work. And then, by the end of the month, you check your phone bill, and you realize, “How did your phone bill go up so high?” It can be overwhelming. But guess what — it is possible to lower your cell phone bill.

Use free Wi-Fi to lower your cell phone bill

1. Use Wi-Fi Instead of Mobile Data

If you have free Wi-Fi available, then why not use it? Try to connect to free Wi-Fi networks wherever it’s possible. This sounds cheap, but it’s also smart. If you want to control your cell phone bills, nothing can help you better than using free Wi-Fi. If you are at your friend’s house or a restaurant, you can use free Wi-Fi. Ask for the Wi-Fi password and save your mobile data for later use. Remember, Wi-Fi is your best friend!

2. Keep an Eye on Background Apps

Make a habit of closing all background apps when you are keeping your phone away or knowing that you are not using it for longer. These apps run in the background can consume some of your mobile data. We get it that you keep your apps on, so you can get notifications, but it’s going to eat your data away.

When you’re at work, driving, or going to bed, close all your apps. This will definitely help you cut the cell phone bill’s cost.

3. Avoid Buying Every New Cell Phone

Are you the kind of person who has to buy every new cell phone? Just stop right there; you don’t have to buy a new cell phone every time it’s out in the market. It’s best to steer clear of paying the cost of a brand-new phone that adds to your bill.  Instead, stick to your current phone and save much on your cell phone bill. Sometimes, a new phone means an extra charge to your bill.

4. Use Discounts When Possible

Does your workplace offer a generous corporate discount for phone bills? Do they offer to reimburse your bill? If they do, use it. Don’t be shy about it. If your mobile service provider presents a discount, take advantage. Every penny counts when it comes to cutting costs.

5. Insurance Is of No Use

You don’t need that insurance anymore. We get the idea behind it — some of the insurance services assist when your phone is damaged or lost. But ask yourself again, “Is the insurance worth it?” Do you need insurance for a phone you can’t afford? Also, there’s the fact that there are lesser chances of you losing your phone or it needing repairs.

A woman paying her cell phone bill

6. Avoid Extra Service Charges

Evaluate your phone bill and cut the stuff out you don’t need. Do you need those extra unlimited data, emergency roadside assistance, enhanced voicemail, international minutes, etc.? It’s time for you to decide what you need for your phone. For example, if you don’t talk a lot on your phone, it’s unnecessary to get unlimited minutes.

7. Getting No-contract Phones

One of the ways cell phone companies makes money is through contracts. If you don’t want to pay hefty phone bills, don’t buy contract phones. So what do you do? It’s pretty easy, buy a no-contract phone. Now, of course, you won’t get the latest or newest phone. But at least you saved up some serious cash every month.

8. Don’t Take Multiple Packages

Some providers tend to trick you into getting multiple packages. For example, they will tell you to get one package for the internet and the other for calls. Don’t get sucked into this. Choose a service provider that gives bundles of an all-in-one package deal.

9. Keep Your Phone in Good Condition

This is the best thing you can do. Be gentle to your phone. Buy a phone cover protection. Add a resilient screen protector. These tips can save your phone from going out of order and saving you much on your cell phone bills.

10. Avoid Postpaid Services

Yes, because it costs much more than prepaid. Cut your cell phone bill to half by switching to a prepaid carrier. By using one, you are aware of the limit. But with postpaid, you often use more than your budget.

Lower Your Cell Phone Bill With the 10 Tips Above

Remember, your bill budget is all about the numbers. Keep track of your cell phone bill. The money you’re not using can help you hit your goals every month — whether it’s for that trip you always wanted to take or for investments.

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