Top 5 Supplements to Keep Your Pet’s Fur Healthy and Shiny

Black dog with healthy and shiny fur

A dog’s coat is an excellent indicator of how healthy your pet is, while a dull coat can signal a lack of nutrients. Before using supplements, always make sure your dog eats a balanced diet and talk to your vet about your plans. Your dog might benefit from various supplements to keep your dog’s fur healthy and shiny.

Cocker Spaniel resting on a green cushion

Omega-3 and 6 Fatty Acids

The easiest way to get omega fatty acids into your dog’s diet is through fish oils and certain plant-based oils. Salmon is chock full of healthy fats, while you can find omega-6 fatty acids in sunflower oil. Read labels and talk with your vet about available options. Your vet may recommend a supplement to add to your pet’s food or possibly another food option fortified with extra fatty acids.

You will see options available in supplements that look and taste like treats to dogs, so those are the easiest to get them to eat. Alternatively, there are also powder supplements that you can sprinkle on your dog’s kibble or oils that you can add for moisture and texture. You may also find that your dog prefers one supplement over another. It might take some time to figure out which one works best for your pet.

Vitamins A, B, and Zinc

Vitamin A can work wonders for your dog’s fur and skin if your furry friend suffers from scaly skin or seborrhea. Lack of Vitamin B can also result in a dull coat or brittle fur. Giving your pet supplements containing the vitamins that are missing from its diet can fix skin issues after 6-8 weeks at the most. Natural sources of Vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin. Green veggies are an excellent source of Vitamin B, too.

Zinc is also an often missed mineral that encourages healing, and it boosts your dog’s immune system, too. You’ll find zinc in most protein sources like pork, chicken, salmon, lamb, or beef. Most commercially produced dog foods contain the right balance of vitamins and minerals. If you suspect something is missing, talk to your vet first. You don’t want to give too much of a good thing because large doses of Vitamin A can be toxic.


Biotin is a supplement that doesn’t get enough attention. It is the same vitamin that humans need to maintain strong nails and healthy hair. In dogs, biotin further helps metabolize amino acids and healthy fats. As a result, biotin helps to keep your dog’s fur healthy and shiny.

Black dog with healthy and shiny fur

If your dog’s coat looks dull or it looks like there are some bald patches, consider adding a multivitamin that has biotin included. As always, check with your vet before giving your pet anything to keep your pet safe and make sure you don’t miss an undiagnosed medical issue.


If your dog has issues with Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil form, you can also find a plant-based alternative in flaxseed. It is rich in healthy fats and can be found in treats you can give your pet. As a bonus, flaxseed is also full of fiber to keep your dog’s digestive system moving smoothly.

In addition to keeping your dog’s fur healthy and shiny, there are multiple health benefits to eating flaxseed. For example, flaxseed is also anti-inflammatory and can help if your dog suffers from arthritis. An alternative to treats is sprinkling flaxseed on your pet’s food.


Eggs can be supplemental to your dog’s regular diet. Dogs love eggs, so it’s an easy addition to make. Remember to err on the side of caution and cook the eggs before feeding them to your dog. Hard-boiled eggs and scrambled eggs are excellent options for various proteins, vitamins, and fatty acids.

By eating eggs, your dog can maintain a healthy coat. Don’t give your dog too many eggs because they do have a significant amount of fat. They need to be considered occasional treats that get added occasionally.

Keeping Your Dog’s Fur Healthy and Shiny

Your dog’s fur is an excellent indicator of its health, so if the coat seems dull, talk with your vet right away. It may be that your dog needs some supplements like extra fatty acids or more vitamins and minerals. You may also consider adding biotin or flaxseed to your dog’s diet. Eggs can also be a helpful addition, but you’ll need to check with your vet first to be sure. If you don’t, you could end up missing a different medical issue that a vet would address first.

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